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American Uncial™

American Uncial™

American Uncial™是一款艺术字体,深受广大设计师的喜爱。

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字体品牌: Linotype(Monotype) 设计师:Hammer,Victor 字体分类:哥特体 字体属性:外文 字符集:Unicode 发布时间: 2018


奥地利设计师Victor Hammer(1882-1967)于20世纪40年代居住于美国期间创作了American Uncial字体。此字体类似于Neue Hammer Unziale,尽管Neue Hammer Unziale实际上是此设计的后续版本。

American Uncial是一个单盒设计。大写和小写字母设计相同,大小相同。

1923年,Victor Hammer在德国的Klingspor Foundry发布了他的第一款Uncial风格的字体。这就是所谓的Hammerschrift。” 在20世纪30年代,他移居到美国,在那里他通过Dearborn Type Foundry发行了American Uncial。1953年,Victor Hammer与他的老发行商Klingspor Foundry发行了另一版本的American Uncial。他们将其更名为Neue Hammer Unziale。Neue Hammer Unziale不是单盒字母;它具有罗马大写字母和Uncial小写字母。Linotype也具有这款字体;其Neue Hammer Unziale有两个版本,每个版本的小写字母都稍有不同(Neue Hammer Unziale II基本上是American Uncial的小写字母,以及Neue Hammer Unziale I的大写字母)。

在罗马帝国晚期和之后的整个欧洲各地都使用了这种Unical字母形式。其形式启发了Carolingian Miniscule (公园800年)以及我们如今的小写字母。American Uncial是世界上最受欢迎的Uncial字体之一。在爱尔兰和其他地方经常看到一些像“爱尔兰”或“凯尔特”的东西。它也常用于证书和文凭。该字体最适合用于标题和大小为12pt或者更大的较短文本中。”

The Austrian designer Victor Hammer (1882-1967) created the American Uncial typeface while he was living in the United States during the 1940s. This typeface is similar to Neue Hammer Unziale, although Neue Hammer Unziale is actually a later re-release of this design.

American Uncial is a unicase design. The upper and lowercase letters have the same design, and are the same size.

Victor Hammer released his first Uncial-style typeface with the Klingspor Foundry in Germany in 1923. This was called Hammerschrift." During the 1930s, he moved to the United States, where American Uncial would be released, through the Dearborn Type Foundry. In 1953, the Victor Hammer released another version of American Uncial with his old distributor, the Klingspor Foundry. They renamed the type Neue Hammer Unziale. Neue Hammer Unziale is not unicase; it has Roman uppercase letters as well as lowercase Uncials. Linotype also has this typeface available; its Neue Hammer Unziale comes in two versions, each with a slightly different Lowercase (Neue Hammer Unziale II is basically the lowercase letters of American Uncial with the uppercase from Neue Hammer Unziale I).

The Uncial letterform was used across Europe during the time of the late Roman Empire, and thereafter as well. Its forms would inspire the Carolingian Miniscule (c. 800 A.D.), and our present lowercase. American Uncial is one of the most popular Uncial fonts in the world. It is often seen in Ireland and elsewhere for things that should look "Irish" or "Celtic." It is also a favorite for use on certificates and diplomas. The font is best used in headlines and shorter texts with a point size of 12 or larger."

American Uncial™


American Uncial Com Regular.TTF
American Uncial Com Regular.TTF
American Uncial Com Regular.TTF




